Title - Roses are red, violets are blue, through the distance... I still love you!
Themed colour - Purple.
Date of posting - Wednesday, 5th of October, 2016.
Date of arrival - To be announced!
So, with this being the second to last care package I am sending I have started to run out of ideas on items to send besides food, also the colour of this care package did not help with items to send! Due to all the food items on the care package, I did end up writing sticky notes on a few items telling him to share them since I know he is working on his body before coming home. As I couldn't find many good ideas online to do with purple care package I started brain storming ideas and this was the result of the hard work that I had been thinking about for awhile.
This care package was surprisingly on schedule for me and when I had aimed to send it, but this was only because I had finished the care package three weeks ago. The effort of these care packages often takes me a few days or weeks, so with all the letters in this care package I did it earlier to avoid the stress of making this as well as going back to uni. So, fingers crossed he enjoys this cheesy care package, and also the second to last one... which is slightly exciting but at the same time makes me feel a little sad. Strange because no more care packages means that he is home, so I shouldn't feel sad at all, right?
Image (above) - Design of care package. It wasn't until I took the photos of the care package had I realized that this care package looks a little girly due to the pretty colours and love hearts but I know my loved one won't mind. Also, surprisingly the whole design of this care package was done with my own brain unlike the other care packages.
Image (above) - The Purple Care Package!
Image (above) - The packed care package. This time I was lucky enough to have all the items fit in the care package with a few items bubble wrapped so they didn't break or melt on everything. Thankful it weighed in at 1.94kgs!
Items in this care package included:
- Hand written letter (as usual, like in every care package I've sent so far)
- Packet of Freddo Frogs
- Shapes - Pizza flavour
- Cadbury chocolate block - Turkish Delight flavour
- Grape mentos
- Violet Crumble
- Cadbury Chocolate bar
- Box of nerds
- Classic Logic Puzzle book
- Lo-Carb Rocky Road bars x4
- Choc Jewels (better known as freckles, lol)
- LCM bars
- Mini m&m's tube x2
- Mario Party DS Game
Image (above) - Items in care package.
Review on green care package -
If you saw my last care package post, you would have known that my loved one opened it without telling me because he was so excited. So then he had to pretend to open it a few days later during a video call and act surprised. This time he was an absolute gem and waited a few days until we were both free to video call so I could watch him open it. As I've gone back to uni and he is working 12-18 hour days he woke up at 5.30am to call me. Now, in my opinion if that doesn't make him the best boyfriend in the world... than I don't know what is. In my eyes he is a gem! Anyway, that is enough of my babble that isn't about my care package. The green care package thankfully was a success and I was over the moon with his reaction, especially watching his face glow when reading the letter which is incredibly sloppy! He laughed at the mint leaf too as he started eating the lollies which came as no surprise to me considering how much he ate from the yellow care package!
Madeline - 05/10/2016
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